While the previous modules have concerned themselves with overviews of research ethics and the responsibilities of IRB members on a general level, this module will concern itself specifically with the procedures and expectations of IRB members at Southern California Brainspotting Institute (SoCal Brainspotting).
Overview of organizational aims
By nature, SoCal Brainspotting is a social science research institute that customarily does not deal with medical elements in its research. The aim of the organization is the research of brainspotting as a therapeutic modality and the majority of research it approves, IRB or otherwise, will center around brainspotting.
The IRB at SoCal Brainspotting is diverse and stretches across international boundaries. It seeks to be the face of research in the Brainspotting community worldwide and provide scientific documentation to the claims made by brainspotters, and therefore conducts research at the highest level of both professional and ethical standards.
Due to the nature of brainspotting, which deals with microtraumas, the majority of research will pose greater than minimal risk to subjects and therefore requires a fully convened IRB to review. Therefore, it is important to note that attendance at board meetings by yourself or alternates is necessary for the institute to move forward. If quorum is not met during IRB meetings, research cannot be conducted and the organization must wait till the next meeting. Please make all efforts to attend meetings or have an alternate who is able to attend if you are unable.
Please be aware of the www.SoCalBrainspotting.org website and its IRB section, and be able to direct researchers interested in proposals to the appropriate pages. Please have all communications and inquires directed to the IRB@SoCalBrainspotting.org email address.