The Journal of Brainspotting Practice & Research is a bi-annual, peer-reviewed publication published by Southern California Brainspotting Institute. It is an interdisciplinary journal that stimulates and communicates research about Brainspotting (BSP), and it’s application into clinical practice. The Journal publishes methodological and scientific articles, experimental studies, theoretical review; case studies; brief reports, and book reviews. If you are interested in submitting a paper please see “Call for Papers” section bellow. Subscription to this Journal is included in the SoCal Brainspotting membership.
Journal of Brainspotting Practice & Research

Members: Please sign in and go to “Online Journal” for Journal access.
Non-Members: For subscription information please visit the Store. To view older “open access” issues of the Journal click here.
Call for Papers
You are invited to participate in the publication of the Journal of Brainspotting Practice & Research which is a bi-annual, peer-reviewed publication devoted to integrative state-of-the-art papers about Brainspotting. This Journal is an interdisciplinary journal that communicates research and theory about Brainspotting, and its application to clinical practice.
For the Journal to be an accurate resource on Brainspotting, all members of Southern California Brainspotting Institute and the mental health community are encouraged to contribute manuscripts. Examples of articles include:
Case Studies:
- Assess the applicability of Brainspotting for a client/clients with a specific disorder or challenging presentation
- Examine changes to the standard protocol using a case series approach
Research Studies:
- Investigate outcome, by using randomized clinical trials
- Investigate the treatment process
- Evaluate the role of Brainspots and bilateral stimulation
- Assess individual factors/personality variables to treatment outcome or process
Clinical Contributions:
- Discussion of the impact of ethnicity and culture
- Suggestions on how to evaluate client readiness for treatment
- Recommendations for treatment of a specific disorder
Review Articles:
- Summarize literature and research in a particular domain
Theoretical Reviews:
- Summarize research and propose hypotheses
Manuscript Preparation & Submission Guidelines
Authors should prepare manuscripts according to the current edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. All instructions for preparation of the manuscript are found in the Guidelines for Authors document.
We are in the process of creating the structure to allow submissions. Check back for more information.